What are some ways to indicate a new paragraph?
A new paragraph can be indicated in many different ways. There is the standard tab or extended space between the end of one paragraph and the beginning of the next. Drop caps are also a standard way to break up paragraphs. One could use symbols, rules, color, tracking, size and many other text applications to indicate a new paragraph.
What are some things to look out for when hyphenating text?
When hyphenating in text there are a few rules to keep in mind. Hyphenating should occur where there are natural pauses, avoiding widows and orphans, and avoiding hyphenating names and proper nouns. One should also make sure to leave at least 2 characters on the line and 3 following, avoid beginning or ending consecutive lines with the same word, and avoid ending lines with the words: the, of, at, a, by…
Define font hinting. Why is this necessary?
Hinting is a technique to avoid disturbing rounding errors in low-resolution digital type. This is necessary for the display of type on screens, monitors and displays.
What is letterspacing/tracking? How do you track in Illustrator or InDesign?
The space between letters is known as letterspacing or functional white space. It is essential for legibility. Tracking is adjusting that white space between the letters. There is a tracking adjustor in Illustrator and InDesign, when you have the letters you want tracked highlighted you can lessen the space or extend it.
Define Kerning? Name 8 kerning pairs. How do you kern in InDesign or Illustrator?
Kerning is moving type closer together in order to close gaps. It is necessary for certain letter combinations. Av, Aw, Ay, Ta, Te, To, Tr, Tu, Tw are just a few of those pairs. There is a kerning adjustor in Illustrator and InDesign, when you have the letters you want kerned highlighted you can lessen the space.
Try the kerning game (link). How did you do?
I got 80, needs some work.
What is word spacing?
Word spacing in typography refers to the size of the space between words, rather than the space between letters or sentences.
Explain DIN.
DIN is the standard sizes or starting points for paper sizes.
What is a baseline grid?
The baseline grid is an imaginary grid upon which type sits. Type can be forced to snap to this grid. The grid maintains continuity across the pages of a design.
How many characters per line is optimal? Is there a range?
It depends on the size of the font and the typeface.
Define aesthetic text alignment (optically hanging punctuation).
Some letterforms (such as the circular characters ‘o’, ‘c’, and ‘e’) extend over the baseline otherwise they would look optically smaller than their upright relatives.
What is a typographic river?
Occur in justified text blocks when the separation of the words leaves gaps of white space in several lines.
What is a widow?
A widow is a lone word at the end of a paragraph
What is an orphan?
An orphan is the final one or two lines of a paragraph separated from the main paragraph to form a new column