Sunday, December 11, 2011

fall semester is almost over

It is seriously crazy how fast the semesters go by when we're working hard!  I'm working on finishing up my projects this weekend/tomorrow so I won't have to worry about them while studying for tests. Here is my type project!

Here is the link to my behance project for type magazine layouts HERE.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

lesson learned

Well, apparently constantly saving one's project is not precaution enough.  My computer constantly shuts down while I'm working in photoshop (going to get it checked out over break), so I've become accustomed to saving my files constantly.  Well tonight, the program shut down, literally, just as I was finishing my Fast, Cheap and out of Control poster.  When I opened the file back up after turning my computer back on, this is the file I was greeted with:
That is how I feel right now. Want to cry.

SO close to being done.

So now, I will be saving my files in multiple locations, multiple times a minute.  If you need me tonight, I will be completely reconstructing my poster.