Monday, April 23, 2012

McDonalds Type Video Progress

Progress on my typography after effects video. The first 30 seconds. Give me some suggestions if you've got any!

Monday, March 26, 2012

Coterie Poster

Here is my latest Viscom project.  This project has taught me to be more patient and understanding. It also helped teach me to keep pushing myself.

Friday, February 24, 2012

busy, busy

Super, you got it, busy this weekend.  Working on multiple, time-consuming things for all three studios this weekend!  But right now I'm getting into all the projects, so it's still fun.  Also working on portfolios for multiple sources.  And helping a journalism friend out with a project in photoshop.  Oh and starting to worry about summer plans/study abroad plans.  Lots on the horizon, but loving this time of my life.  Anyway, here are a few alternative tool drawings of elephants.

Monday, February 20, 2012

type class 2/20/2012

Today in class we designed notes to someone! I posted a note on my friends wall :) It made me feel good to share with a friend I haven't seen in forever. Today's class was fun. Can't wait to explore more.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

recent projects

Here are my latest two projects for Viscom and Type.  Overall I feel pretty happy with my work and the products created.  Let me know what you think!

Sustainable Product Redesign

Book Jacket Redesign

Friday, February 10, 2012

website design

I love Bonnaroo's new website design.

Friday, February 3, 2012

marc johns

I love his work, check it out sometime:

a couple of my all time favs below, I would love to get one tattooed but I'm afraid of needles.  Damn it.  Slowly working my way there — it only took me 19 years to pierce my ears (and I got light headed).

Thursday, February 2, 2012

latest book cover designs

Here are my top three designs as of now.  I think my dishwasher needs the most work — I need to fins a way to incorporate a more organic handwritten type title since the other two are in that style.  But they're starting to feel cohesive but distinctive at the same time.

Friday, January 27, 2012

initial packaging ideas

Take out Experience highlights:

Problem Definition:

Although the Noodles and Company packaging is functional, there were a couple problems and the packaging could be a lot more sustainable.  The sides of the pasta dish were too low, and pasta would spill over the side.  There was also an excess of packaging — a large bag, pastic bowl and lid, paper bag for extras.

Packaging Mock-ups:

Initial Design Explorations:

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

book research

this means that

a few definitions...

apple means temptation/healthy/fruit

sign: Signs can either be straight forward (EX: stop means stop) or can mean something other than themselves (EX: apple means healthy).  Signs are not isolated, they are dependent on their context for meaning.
Index: Woman appears to be dead.

index: When there is a physical or casual relationship between the signifier and the signified, the non-arbitrary relationship that exists (EX: a black eye is caused by a punch)

symbol: Means "to throw together," a relationship is created where the first represents the second. (EX: scales = justice)

Friday, January 20, 2012

new fav blog

Found a new favorite blog that is super inspiring and full of greatness. Oh Joy! Check it out.  They post about everything from design to food. Yum.

A few samplings...