Saturday, August 27, 2011

Never ask a type its weight.

Type can be very sensitive.
  • Define weight: The density or the lightness of the individual letterforms (GIRWT pg. 17).  The quickest most efficient way of calling attention to a word, sentence or paragraph (GDR pg. 64).
  • Define width: Adjusting the thickness of a type or individual letterform in order to create a condensed or extended effect to better-fit space (GDR pg. 64).
  • Define style: Variances in typefaces; whether it be roman vs. italic or oblique or small caps or display, tilting figure vs. old-style figures, etc (GDR pg. 65).
  • Define font: A specific size and style of a given typeface (GIRWT pg. 16).
  • Define typeface: A complete alphabet including letters, numerals, punctuation marks, accents, special reference marks, etc. (GIRWT pg. 15).
  • Define x-height: The height of a lowercase x (GIRWT pg. 12).
  • Define cap height: The height of capital letterforms (GIRWT pg. 12).
  • Define leading: The spacing between the lines of letters, pronounced “leeding” (GIRWT pg. 14).
  • Define letterspacing (tracking): Inserting tiny spaces between letters when they appear to tightly together to make them more agreeable to the eye (GIRWT pg. 15). 
  • How is type measured in inches, mm, points or picas?: Points
  • Define point: The unit used for the measurement of letterforms (GIRWT pg. 14).
  • Define pica: Anglo-Saxon/Duodecimal system of measurement (LF pg. 53)
  • How many points in an inch? 72 points/inch
  • If a letter is set in 36 pts about how many inches tall is it? Half an inch
  • How many picas in an inch? 6 picas/inch
  • How many points in a pica? 12 points/pica
*Examples to be added soon!  Meanwhile, figure out what type you are!

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